- Content-Based Retrieval from Digital Video by Roth (1999) is is on video retrieval and issues by-category separate representation models.
Tags: video retrieval, media specific content representation (video) - Document Content Authoring and Hybrid Knowledge Bases by Dymetman is is on document generation by text synthesis.
Tags: text synthesis - Developing a Municipal Multimedia Information System by Michael Weber is is on content presentation rather than on representation.
Tags: content presentation, mark up - Interactive Image Retrieval By Means Of Abductive Inference by Müller, Everts (1997) is is on image content detection.
Tags: image description, media specific content representation (images) - Modelling the Retrieval of Structured Documents.. by Meghini, Sebastiani.. (1997) is contains phrases that let one assume they're talking about a model similar to MOM.
Tags: generic content representation, non-textual content representation, features. structure - Hyperstories for Learning by Sanchez, LUMBRERAS, BIBBO (1995) is is about separation of content representation and interface management.
Tags: content wrapping - Intelligence In Modern Communication Systems by Kotropoulos, Pitas is is on intelligence, multimedia content and data representation.
Tags: data representation - Reversing Controlled Document Authoring to Normalize Documents by Aurfdien Max Groupe (2003) is focuses on document normalization and representation.
Tags: content analysis, document summarization, content recognition, content reformulation, document representation - Content-Based Video Abstraction by Günsel, Tekalp (1998) is is on content-based video abstraction.
Tags: video content representation, media specific content representation (video) - Unknown by Ivity Theme Institut (2003) is provides a section on the scientific foundations of knowledge representation but focuses on audiovisual content representation.
Tags: audiovisual content representation, knowledge representation, media specific content representation (video, audio) - Image Indexing Based on Spatial Similarity by Petrakis, Faloutsos is mentions a "Attributed Relational Graphs (ARGs)" and "similarity retrieval" but also focuses on image content representation.
Tags: image content representation, media specific content representation (images) - Standards for Language Resources by Ide, Romary is apparently focuses on linguistics/linguistic methodology.
Tags: linguistics - Color-Induced Image Representation and Retrieval by Colombo, Bimbo (1999) is describes a framework on image content representation.
Tags: image content representation, media specific content representation (images) - Language-based Querying of Image Collections on the Basis of.. by Town, Sinclair (2004) is focuses on image content retrieval but also mentions "content extraction and representation facilities of ICON".
Tags: image retrieval, media specific content representation (images) - Content-Based Queries on the Casimage Database by With The Irma (2004) is deals with image retrieval.
Tags: image retrieval - ... [Starting by search result #36 the results become rather off topic, such as gotten found by a table of contents featuring a topic named "representation". Below results were picked when looking somewhat helpful or directive.] ...
- Neural Knowledge Processing in Expert Systems by Sima, Cervenka (2000) mentions explicit and implicit knowledge in expert systems.
Tags: rule based, expert systems - Simultaneous Intersection Representation of Pairs of Graphs by Tanenbaum (1999) discusses graph intersections, sets, graph polysemy, might be off topic/on topic, don't know.
Tags: graph polysemy, Tanenbaum
to get an idea, what's up in content representation research, continued to skim the search results
CiteSeer content representation search, continuing the posting of yesterday:
Content Representation,
search results
to get an idea, what's up in content representation research, here some search results from CiteSeer on that topic
Hm, as I am twittering on this topic, I prefer to do this search in English, so everyone can follow up.
CiteSeer returns only 214 results on "content representation". That implies, I'd be able to see them all, instead of needing to skip just after the first few pages of results.
The below search results on content representation originate from CiteSeer:
CiteSeer returns only 214 results on "content representation". That implies, I'd be able to see them all, instead of needing to skip just after the first few pages of results.
The below search results on content representation originate from CiteSeer:
- Text Authoring, Knowledge Acquisition and Description Logics by Marc Dymetman Xerox is on text synthesis "from an abstract content representation", whatever way that abstract content representation might look like..
Tags: text synthesis - Automatic Authoring and Construction of Hypermedia for.. by Agosti, Melucci.. (1995) is out of focus.
Tags: content synthesis - The Mirror MMDBMS architecture by de Vries, van Doorn, Blanken, Apers (1999) is on document representation: "a document and query representation scheme, [...]". I'd assume the content to be first, any synthezisation to be second, including text. The reverse way, I'd say, points to linguistics, a language based approach to content representation. One I circumvented..
Tags: document representation, media specific content representation (documents) - PML: Adding Flexibility to Multimedia. . . by Ram, al. (1999) wraps media content into markup focusing to content presentation, i.e. follows the tagging approach: "A new markup language [...] decouples content and presentation.".
Tags: content wrapping, media content - A New Perceived Motion Based Shot Content Representation by Ma, Zhang (2001) is on video perception: "[...] important cue for human to perceive video content [...]".
Tags: video perception, perception, media specific content representation (video) - Robust Information Extraction In A Speech Translation System by Reithinger (1999) apparently focuses on utterances information catching.
Tags: perception, speech perception, media specific content representation (speech) - Document Content Authoring and Hybrid Knowledge Bases by Dymetman apparently the same as [the above] http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/645892.html -- on text synthesis.
Tags: text synthesis - Cnet: Content-Based Similarity Search in.. by Orphanoudakis.. (1996) is on image content representation.
Tags: image content, media specific content representation (images) - Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of.. by Moënne-Loccoz.. (2004) is on video content representation.
Tags: video content representation, media specific content representation (video) - Object Segmentation and Labeling by Learning from Examples by Xu, Saber, Tekalp (2003) might deal with abstract content representation, but maybe only accidentally: "A hierarchical content tree data structure is used for each database objects [...]". Questions are what that hierarchie relies on and whether or not it's a mono-hierarchy or a polyhierarchy. If the tree relies on relationships, those relationships most probably are injected knowledge, i.e. inaccessible, in-understandable to the system because that understanding requires an external interpreting mind..
Tags: abstract content representation - XIG: Generating from Interchange Format using Mixed.. by Pianta, Tovena (1999) is on text synthesis based on an "interlingua content representation (Interchange Format)": "[...] enerating Italian text from the interlingua content representation [...]".
Tags: text synthesis - Peer Profile Driven Group Support For Mobile by Learning Teams Karin (2003) is on e-learning; the conten representation thought of here might focus on content wrapping.
Tags: content wrapping - Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education by Brusilovsky, Henze, Millan (2002) looks like being on content wrapping rather than on content representation: "[...] Using StoryML for Adaptive Content Representation [...]".
Tags: content wrapping - In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning.. by Web-Enabled Exam.. is on "[...] a technology-enriched, Web-enabled, value-added Distance Exam Preparation and Evaluation Service [...]", i.e. most probably focuses on content wrapping.
Tags: content wrapping - Adaptive Course Generation and Presentation by Siekmann, Benzmüller, Fiedler, .. (2000) is another students learning support gear, therefore most probably focused on content wrapping.
Tags: content wrapping - Complexity Distortion Theory by Sow, Eleftheriadis (1997) introduces a complex theory on media representation. I doubt increasing complexity would do match content representation as known from brains: Each of the cells involved there look rather simple and restricted in their respective chances of individual actions. Therefore, I assume, they don't do any complex operation to get done content representation. Thus, stacking up complexity (or wrappers. which are nothing but other approaches to add complexity) to get content represented, I think, goes into the wrong direction..
Tags: adding complexity, media representation - Multimedia Data Requires by Unknown is a "[...] survey [on] technologies and applications for video-content analysis and retrieval.".
Tags: retrieval - MPEG-4 Addressing and ACQ Function by Kuzmanov, Vassiliadis, van.. (2001) is on "[...] content representation and shape processing [...]".
Tags: content representation, media specific content representation (shapes) - Cobra: A new approach to IR system design by Mills, Moody, Rodden (1997) is on "[...] IR systems on a model for document content", whereby "IR" might refer to information retrieval; however, the focus is on document representation.
Tags: document representation, media specific content representation (documents)
Content Representation,
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